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2017 NSDUH Reveals Drug Use Trends

(Winter 2018) The latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) revealed several new drug usage patterns in the U.S. One of these involves heroin. Although the drug’s use has seen an overall decline, there was barely a drop in heroin use among the 18- to 25- year-old demographic. This group also reported an increase in marijuana and methamphetamine use, as mentioned earlier. The study highlights this age bracket, as it has higher rates of heroin abuse, cigarette smoking and alcoholism. Additionally, these “transitional aged youth” use more LSD, cocaine and meth than both older and younger individuals.

It’s also disheartening that illicit drug use among pregnant women, including opioids, cocaine and marijuana, rose considerably between 2015 and 2017. Approximately 7% of pregnant women admitted to using cannabis, and 3% reported using it on a daily basis. This is especially concerning because marijuana use is linked to fetal growth problems, preterm births, stillbirths, hyperactivity and impaired cognition in newborns.

Because of the attention given to fatalities caused by heroin mixed with fentanyl, addiction experts predict that heroin’s popularity will wane, as other drugs such as crack cocaine did years ago. It is suspected that more heroin users will turn to meth instead.

With the drug crisis, it’s alarming to note that experts warn that drug treatment is sorely lacking at this time and that there is a high demand for more detox centers. Additionally, they say a broader swath of services is required to support those in recovery, such as housing and job training.

See all current Alcohol and Drug Trends articles.

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