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Pharmacies Robbed During Baltimore Riots

(Fall 2015) An estimated 175,000 or more doses of prescription drugs were taken from 27 pharmacies and two methadone clinics by Baltimore rioters this April. Authorities believe there may be a link between the large amount of stolen medications on the city’s streets and a dramatic increase in violence. In May, 43 murders occurred in Baltimore, the highest number within a month’s time since 1978. Approximately 10 additional Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) officers were assigned to the area to aid in the situation.

In addition, there are concerns that personal information found on stolen medication labels could result in identity fraud. Nothing has been reported at this time, but Rite Aid enlisted a risk management firm to communicate with customers who were affected by the stolen drugs and inform them of the steps taken to curb identity theft.

Federal law gives a maximum of 60 days for pharmacies and other entities subject to medical privacy regulations to alert customers that their data has been compromised.

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