Home Resources Articles (Archives) DOT Reduces Random Drug Testing Rate for Federal Motor Carriers

DOT Reduces Random Drug Testing Rate for Federal Motor Carriers

(Spring 2016) As of January 1, 2016, the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) lowered its required random drug testing rate from 50% to 25% for commercial motor vehicle drivers subject to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations. The new measure, which tests for the same drugs as in previous years, will reduce motor carrier costs by $50 million annually. The change was enacted because under 1% of random tests across the industry resulted in a positive test from 2011 to 2013. The new, reduced rate is not set in stone, however, as it can revert to its prior 50% level after 2016 if the rate of positive tests exceeds 1%. The standard random alcohol test rate of 10% remains the same.

Any employers wishing to continue to drug test at a 50% rate may do so; they will be placed in a separately-managed pool.

Chain of Custody Forms (CCFs) will remain the same. Note that those using the electronic version of the form (eCCF) may only do so after the employer’s lab has been approved by the Department of Health and Human Services National Laboratory Certification Program to use a particular eCCF and following the employer’s election to use the eCCF.

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