Home Resources Articles (Archives) OhioMHAS Providing New Online Tool for Treatment

OhioMHAS Providing New Online Tool for Treatment

(Spring 2018) The OhioMHAS and the Emerald Jenny Foundation have teamed up to maintain an online directory of treatment service providers by location or type of addiction. Public and Private treatment facilities, a glossary of terms and links to new updates are provided on the site as well. Facilities are also able to add themselves into the database free of charge.

The country is currently dealing with “twin epidemics” even though only one of them is making the headlines. The opioid crisis has been declared a public health emergency, but stimulants are also seeing a resurgence. Drugs like cocaine are entering the U.S. due to the record levels of its production is South America along with other drugs such as meth. Luckily, these epidemics are not going unnoticed by law enforcement and treatment providers. Clinical professionals and law enforcement officials are doing what they can to educate their communities about ways to remove these drugs from the streets and discussing why stimulants are just as dangerous as opioids.

See all current Alcohol and Drug Trends articles.

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