More Americans Drinking

Alcohol consumption is at a 25-year high. A 2010 Gallup Poll found that 67 percent of the U.S. adult population drinks alcohol.

However, there are some interesting regional nuances to Americans’ drinking habits. High consumption rates are found in New England, Upper Plains and far West states, and Washington, D.C. On the other end of the spectrum is the Mid-Atlantic region and the Deep South. The nation’s heaviest drinking is found in New Hampshire where residents consume more than twice the national average.

Additionally, new estimates show that binge drinking is a bigger problem than previously thought. More than 38 million U.S. adults binge drink about four times a month, and the largest number of drinks per binge is, on average, eight. This behavior greatly increases the chances of getting hurt or hurting others due to car crashes, violence and suicide. Drinking too much, including binge drinking, causes 80,000 deaths in the U.S. each year and, in 2006 cost the economy $223.5 billion.

Binge drinking can cause problems in the workplace. Learn how to sustain an alcohol free workplace with Working Partners.

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