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Big Changes in the World of Meth Manufacturing

As a result of regulating the purchase of ingredients to manufacture methamphetamine, our country saw a significant decrease in both the manufacturing and availability of meth. However, “chefs” of the drug have devised a way to create meth in smaller doses and in smaller and more mobile labs, making it more difficult for law enforcement to crack down on manufacturers. This new method of producing meth, known as “one pot” or “shake and bake,” involves mixing meth’s ingredients in a two-liter plastic bottle. This means the batch can be stored and carried around more easily than with traditional techniques. It’s also cheaper to manufacture, although the yield is much smaller than with older systems.

In addition to frustrating authorities, the new process is also resulting in a wave of burn victims. Meth-related burn treatment carries an average price tag of $130,000 — over 50 percent higher than other burn victims’ bills. It is estimated that most meth-burn patients do not carry health insurance.

New efforts to combat the problem include states who have enrolled in a network that tracks the sale of the active ingredient in meth, pseudoephedrine, and other states who are proposing legislation that would require a prescription to purchase cold medications containing the ingredient.

On a more positive note, a study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is researching whether mirtazapine, an FDA-approved drug used to treat depression, would be beneficial in treating addiction to meth.

Drug abuse and education should be addressed in the workplace. Contact Working Partners to learn more about drug abuse prevention.

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