What is the favorite part of your job?

I love projecting the educational and operational needs of an employer as I synthesize all the available news and research about the ever-evolving world of drug misuse.  As an employer myself of two companies, one a service company and one a construction company, I am in a unique position to understand what I am going to be impacted by around these issues.  I take that personalization and can build program and product for employers.

What are your personal passions?

I truly believe people are doing the best they know how.  I challenge myself to start where the other person is and by adding to their information, knowledge or experience, expand their opportunities.

Share a fun fact about yourself – a quirky tidbit.

I live on four and a half acres of property in a residential area and we stock nine garbage cans with shelled corn and seed which we feed to wild critters.

What is your professional background?

For nearly 15 years, I was a registered Art Therapist working in secure environments including psychiatric hospitals and prisons.  Using a trademarked tool that Jim Million and I developed, I evolved my skills as a public educator and in 1988 was asked by the City of Columbus to educate 7,500 employees about the harmful use of substances to comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.  Recognizing there was a need among all employers around these issues AND that there are manageable, win-win answers for adults and the children they care for, led to the birth of Working Partners®.