Home Resources Articles (Archives) Alcohol Sales Fall in Medical Marijuana States

Alcohol Sales Fall in Medical Marijuana States

(Spring 2018) According to recent research, states that allow medical marijuana have witnessed decreasing alcohol revenue. The study analyzed 10 years (2006-2015) of alcohol sales information from 90 chain retailers and concluded that counties within states that allow medical marijuana experienced close to a 15% reduction in monthly alcohol purchases after the implementation of a medical marijuana law.

The study suggests that alcohol and marijuana users overlap. Viewed from a broader perspective, it may also signal to alcohol manufacturers a potential slide in sales as more states legalize recreational marijuana. Some speculate that wine sales will be less impacted than beer, as people sometimes like to enjoy a glass of wine with a meal. On the flip side, smoking marijuana often spurs individuals to eat and drink, so an argument could also be made that legalizing marijuana may lead to a hike in alcohol consumption. Additional research will be needed to identify other newly-developing patterns.

See more Alcohol and Drug Trends articles.

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