Home Resources Articles (Archives) Businesses Can Now Determine Losses Due to Substance Abuse

Businesses Can Now Determine Losses Due to Substance Abuse

(Summer 2017) Over 20 million Americans are afflicted with a substance use disorder (SUD) – and 75% of these individuals are employed. However, most businesses are not fully aware of the toll that substance abuse, or those diagnosed with SUD, is taking on workplace expenses.

As an employer, do you ever wonder about the monetary impact substance abuse has on your own company? A new online tool produced by several groups, including the National Safety Council, can calculate that figure for you. The formula takes into account your business’s industry, size and location. Then it factors in the costs of employment as well as figures from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) to determine the monetary loss your business incurs from substance misuse and abuse.

See more Alcohol and Drug Trends articles.

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