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Car Accidents Spike on 4/20

(Summer 2018) The term 420 has been used as a code for marijuana for decades. It’s not surprising that the drug’s devotees mark April 20 as “Weed Day” and kick off their parties at 4:20 p.m. Now researchers have used this party day to examine marijuana’s effect on driving.

The study looked at over two decades of statistics on fatal auto accidents in the United States. Specifically, researchers focused on deadly crashes between 4:20 p.m. and midnight on April 20 and compared those numbers with accidents during corresponding hours both seven days before and after that date.

Analysis revealed a 12% greater chance of a deadly auto accident between 4:20 p.m. and midnight on April 20 when compared to the other dates studied. Drivers age 20 and below were especially at risk.

See all current Alcohol and Drug Trends articles.

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