Daily Drink, Shorter Life?

(Summer 2018) A study of close to 600,000 drinkers in a total of 19 countries finds that imbibing more than one standard drink each day (or over 100 grams of alcohol each week) decreases life expectancy. Researchers conclude that drinking between 100 to 200 grams weekly lessens a 40-year-old’s life by six months. Consuming between 200 and 350 grams each week cuts an individual’s life short by one to two years, and imbibing over 350 grams of alcohol weekly reduces a drinker’s life by four to five years.

The study also uncovered that individuals who consume more alcohol have a greater likelihood of heart failure, stroke, fatal hypertensive disease and fatal aortic aneurysm, but a reduced chance of heart attack.

See other Alcohol and Drug Trends articles.

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