Home Resources Articles (Archives) Doctors Work to Reduce Stigma, Increase Treatment for Substance Use Disorders

Doctors Work to Reduce Stigma, Increase Treatment for Substance Use Disorders

(Summer 2017) The American College of Physicians (ACP) recently declared substance use disorders (SUDs) to be chronic medical conditions. As such, the organization advocates for the expansion of care for individuals with addiction issues. The doctors also pointed out in a position paper that SUDs require in-depth treatment and that addiction should not be viewed as a lapse in morals or character.

The ACP is pushing for stricter opioid prescription guidelines, additional SUD education for physicians, and a wider variety of mental health treatment.

Citing the burgeoning number of opioid overdose deaths, the ACP president likens SUDs to chronic, treatable conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure and recommends additional resources be devoted to prevention, treatment and addiction recovery.

See more Alcohol and Drug Trends articles.

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