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DOT Random Percentage Rates Announced

(Spring 2018) The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has chosen to keep 2018 random screening rates consistent with last year’s: 25% for random drug testing and 10% for random alcohol testing. There is one exception made for maintenance-of-way (MOW) workers, which were included in the FRA screening as of mid-2017.  Since protocol requires 24 months’ worth of testing data before a change can be made, MOW employees minimum testing rates will not change in 2018

Following are all random testing rates as of December 28, 2017:

  • Federal Aviation Administration: 25% drug, 10% alcohol
  • FRA: 25% drug, 10% alcohol
    • Maintenance of Way Employees (MOW) Rates – 50% Drug, 25% Alcohol
  • Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration: 50% drug, no alcohol

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