Home Resources Articles (Archives) Embracing Change: The Power of a Recovery-Friendly Workplace

Embracing Change: The Power of a Recovery-Friendly Workplace

The Importance of Employee Health
A competitive business relies on the health and productivity of its workforce. By fostering healthier behaviors among employees, companies can enhance productivity and reduce long-term costs.

Advantages of Becoming a Recovery-Friendly Workplace
Consider the following benefits of fostering a healthier workforce:

  • Lower Health Costs: A healthier employee base can lead to reduced health care expenses for employers.
  • Reduced Absenteeism: Improved health can result in fewer missed workdays.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Healthier employees are more productive and experience lower rates of presenteeism.
  • Boosted Morale: Supporting employee well-being can increase overall job satisfaction.
  • Improved Recruitment and Retention: A commitment to health and recovery can attract and retain top talent.

What Can Employers Do?
Employers can encourage healthier behaviors and create a recovery-friendly work environment through various programs and policies tailored to their financial and resource capabilities. Some effective strategies include:

  • Health Benefit Packages: Provide health benefits that include support for substance misuse.
  • Alcohol-Free Activities: Organize work events and activities that are alcohol-free.
  • Return-to-Work Policies: Develop policies to facilitate the return of employees who seek treatment.
  • Develop Drug-Free Workplace Policies

How do you become a Recovery Friendly Workplace?
To become a Recovery Friendly Workplace, start by implementing at least five of the practices listed below.

  • Mental and Physical Health Education
  • Inform staff how to seek help
  • Connect with a recovery entity: Connect with a local recovery-focused entity.
  • Engage staff with recovery friendly content
  • Include recovery friendly practices in your workplace policy for existing employees.
  • Include recovery friendly practices in your workplace policy for hiring new employees.
  • Educate leaders on best practices
  • Provide alternatives for staff in treatment
  • Use a state resource

For additional details, please Click Here to be taken to the Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services website.

Seeking reimbursement?
Funding is available to support employers in better managing substance use issues in the workplace. Click Here to read about the following resources that offer financial support or grants to eligible businesses.

“By supporting those who are struggling, we can create an Ohio where everyone feels comfortable asking for the help they need to reach their full potential,” said Governor DeWine. “At the same time, we also know that companies that invest in recovery-friendly practices see significant economic benefits as well.” “The new Ohio Recovery Friendly Workplace program has the power to transform lives by offering meaningful work for people looking to get back on their feet and by providing additional support systems for current employees,” DeWine said. “I’m calling on all Ohio businesses to implement recovery-friendly practices and earn this designation today. Together, we can reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness and addiction, while making our people, our economy, and our communities all stronger.”

As a leader in drug-free policies and operations, Working Partners® is here to provide assistance with your drug-free workplace policy/program. For more information, call 614.337.8200 or email  Info@WorkingPartners.com.

DISCLAIMER: This publication is designed to provide accurate information regarding the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that those involved in the publication are not engaged in rendering legal counsel. If legal advice is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.