Home Resources Articles (Archives) Preparing Your Workplace for Legal Adult-Use Marijuana Sales: Essential Steps for Employers

Preparing Your Workplace for Legal Adult-Use Marijuana Sales: Essential Steps for Employers

With the legalization of purchasing adult-use marijuana on the horizon in Ohio (perhaps as soon as June), employers must take proactive measures to ensure their drug-free workplace policy/program aligns with changing laws. Here are key steps to consider:

  1. Review Policy and Operations: Evaluate your current drug-free workplace policy and update as needed to reflect potential changes in the law. Consult a DFWP expert, like Working Partners®, or your attorney for feedback in navigating the complexities of each state you work in.
  2. Clarify Expectations with Employees: Clearly communicate expectations regarding marijuana use and outline consequences for policy violations.
  3. Train Supervisors: Be sure your supervisors understand their role in implementing your policy and especially know what to do if questioned by employees about your stance round marijuana
  4. Address Safety Concerns: Review other safety and HR policies and protocols, to mitigate risks associated with employees who might be under the influence of marijuana.
  5. Foster Supportive Culture: Maintain open communication and promote a culture that prioritizes employee well-being and support for substance misuse issues.

By taking these steps, employers can navigate the legalization of adult-use marijuana while fostering a safe and productive workplace environment.

If you have any questions, please call Working Partners® at (614) 337-8200 or email info@workingpartners.com


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