Home Resources Articles (Archives) Over Half of U.S. Adults Misuse Rx Drugs

Over Half of U.S. Adults Misuse Rx Drugs

(Fall 2016) Statistics from Quest Diagnostics show that 54% of adults use opioids and other prescribed medications in patterns other than those advised by their physicians. The data was derived from over three million doctor-ordered lab results in 2015. Although up a percentage from 2014 numbers, this is down from the 63% rate discovered in 2011. Over 40% of individuals 17 years old and younger were also discovered to be misusing their prescription drugs.

Quest found amphetamines to be the most misused drug among those under 18, while those aged 25 or older were prone to misuse anti-anxiety drugs and benzodiazepines.

The problems of opioid misuse and abuse may be fueled by unused drugs in medicine cabinets around the country. Close to 60% of U.S. citizens report keeping opioid painkillers they have not used. One in five of these individuals admits to giving these drugs to someone else. The majority of those sharing their medication did so because the other individual was in pain, and another 17% because the other person either did not have insurance or did not have the funds to pay for medication.

Experts say more efforts are needed to make it clear that prescription drugs should never be shared due to addiction and other health risks.

See more Alcohol and Drug Trends articles.

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