Marijuana Ad Pulled

After just a few airings, a pro-marijuana legalization video advertisement was pulled from a jumbotron screen located just off the property of NASCAR’s Brickyard 400 in Indianapolis, IN. The race is one of NASCAR’s biggest, and if the video had run all of its 72 scheduled times, it may have been seen by many of the 600,000 fans attending the event.
Purchased by the country’s biggest legalization advocacy group, Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), the ad targeted beer drinkers, saying that marijuana doesn’t have any calories or cause hangovers. It also claimed that marijuana usage is “less harmful than alcohol.” The air time was sold to MPP by Grazie Media, a company not affiliated with NASCAR.
Pressure from anti-drug associations such as the Drug Free America Foundation led to Grazie Media removing the ad from their large-screen lineup.

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