Legal & Legislative Updates
Marijuana Still a Schedule I Substance
(Fall 2016) In August, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) revealed that it decided not to reclassify marijuana as a drug with legitimate medical uses, so it remains a Schedule I substance. However, the DEA also stated that it will enlarge the number of approved marijuana growers supplying the drug for research purposes sanctioned by the Food and Drug Administration.
At this time, governmental red tape makes research on the drug’s safety and medical effectiveness a difficult and lengthy process. However, the Marijuana Effective Drug Studies (MEDS) Act introduced in the U.S. Senate this summer hopes to make the process less complex. The MEDS Act has the backing of groups such as the American Cancer Society, the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Meanwhile, in Ohio, the state is working to construct its Medical Marijuana Control Program (MMCP). Anyone interested in accessing resources, registering for email updates, viewing timelines/rules, or offering feedback can do so via the MMCP website.
See more Legal & Legislative Updates articles.
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