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Massachusetts Finds Ways to Fight Opioid Misuse

(Spring 2016) The medical community in Massachusetts is finding new ways to fight the rise of opioid misuse in the state. Beginning with medical professionals, four schools and the Massachusetts Medical Society are working with the state’s Public Health Commissioner to integrate 10 “core competencies” into the course curriculum. The state’s 3,000 medical students will gain skills such as, how to identify patients at risk of becoming addicted to painkillers, alternative treatment plans for pain, behavioral change counseling and addiction treatment.

Health insurance companies are also getting in on the efforts and offering support for individuals undergoing addiction treatment. To help prevent relapse, BlueCross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is helping to coordinate patient care for those in detox programs. Neighborhood Health Plan, working with Massachusetts General Hospital, hired a recovery coach to help those diagnosed with substance use disorder. Finally, CeltiCare plans to spend 10% of its prescription drug budget on Suboxone, a medication used to treat opioid addiction and is limiting opioid prescriptions to 15 days at a time.

The state’s lawmakers are also taking steps to reduce the availability of fentanyl, a powerful opiate, by increasing the penalty for trafficking more than 10 grams of fentanyl from 10 years in prison to 20 years.

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