Home Resources Articles (Archives) Naloxone (Narcan) Nasal Spray Introduced

Naloxone (Narcan) Nasal Spray Introduced

(Spring 2016) Previously available in an intravenous form only, the FDA recently approved the opioid overdose-reversal drug Narcan (naloxone hydrochloride) as a nasal spray. This is an important advancement since it makes the drug easier to administer and eliminates the risk of a contaminated needle stick. The approval of the spray comes at a time when overdose deaths – many due to prescription drugs – are the number one cause of injury death in the United States, surpassing motor vehicle accidents.

When an individual overdoses on an opioid, it can be difficult to rouse the person. His or her breathing may become shallow or cease, resulting in death in the absence of medical intervention. However, if administered quickly, naloxone can counter the overdose within two minutes. It is important to note, though, that while naloxone is crucial in saving the lives of individuals with opioid addiction, it does not tackle the underlying problems of the opioid epidemic.

In Ohio, even though over-the-counter naloxone sales are legal, few pharmacies are making it available. Only 25 of the over 2,100 retail pharmacies in the state sell the life-saving drug, which usually retails around $80 – $100 per standard dose.

Why such a low number? At this time, the majority of Ohio pharmacies have not met the Ohio Board of Pharmacy standards necessary to sell the drug. Additionally, some pharmacists are not aware that they are legally able to provide naloxone without a prescription. Others feel that dispensing Narcan provides a safety net that enables addicts to continue opioid use.

Meanwhile, law enforcement on Oklahoma’s tribal lands will start carrying naloxone this year, and the program is slated to go to tribal lands nationwide. This is an important step in the right direction, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that occurrences of opioid overdoses in Native American communities have quadrupled since 2009.

The Sooner State’s naloxone purchases will be funded by the Indian Health Services and dispensed through its 91 federal pharmacies. Tribal pharmacies will be permitted to participate as well.

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