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New DEA Units Fight Fentanyl in Ohio

(Winter 2017) To get heroin and fentanyl off American streets, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will base six new teams in the eastern United States. Locales were selected based on the prevalence of opioid deaths, the amount of fentanyl and heroin previously confiscated by law enforcement and the difference a team could make in the area.

Sadly, the Buckeye State led the nation with the most fentanyl reports (close to 8,000) from 2016 forensic tests. Since it has seen a large number of both overdose fatalities and fentanyl seizures, Ohio will house two of the new DEA units: one in Cincinnati and another in Cleveland.

Other locations selected are Charleston, West Virginia; Raleigh, North Carolina; New Bedford, Massachusetts and Long Island, New York. Agents at all the newly-determined locations will be permitted to investigate illegal drug activities outside these areas as well.

Law enforcement confiscated approximately 633 pounds of fentanyl in 2016.

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