Home Resources Articles (Archives) Opioid Toolkit for Employers Updated

Opioid Toolkit for Employers Updated

The Ohio Chamber of Commerce recently announced an update to its opioid toolkit for employers — A Dose of Reality for Employers. The kit was first launched in 2017 and has six modules for employers to use as a practical resource on everything from alcohol/drug compliance issues to supporting employees in recovery from substance use disorder.

Two additional modules were later added for employees – one offering guidance to employees in recovery and the other focusing on the prevention of prescription drug misuse. All modules contain downloadable resources for support and continued learning.

Although each module contains valuable information, it is not necessary that they be watched in order or in their entirety. Titles include

  1. The Impact of Opioids in the Workplace: It’s NOT business as usual
  2. Legally-Sound Drug-Free Workplace Program: What am I allowed (or not allowed) to do?
  3. Crafting a Policy That’s Right for YOUR Business Operation and Culture
  4. The Why, When & How of Workplace Drug Testing
  5. Responding to an Employee’s Harmful Use of Drugs
  6. Building a Healthy & Productive Workforce by Supporting Employees in Recovery
  7. Employees – Navigating My Recovery at Work
  8. A Dose of Reality – Being a Safe & Critical Consumer of Prescription Medications

We’re thrilled to share that our very own founder, Dee Mason, and longtime Managing Director of Working Partners®, Karen Pierce, were at the helm of this important project. Both Dee and Karen have dedicated their careers to creating safer and healthier workplaces, and their expertise has been instrumental in shaping this valuable resource. Now serving as Senior Consultants for Working Partners®, they continue to lead the charge in addressing the opioid crisis and supporting businesses across Ohio.

The project was made possible with the support financial of Anthem BlueCross BlueShield and Alkermes.

Employers and their workforce may access this free resource on the Ohio Chamber’s website.

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