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Opioids in the Workplace Claim Lives, Slow Economic Growth

(Spring 2018) Widespread drug abuse throughout the country — and in the workplace — is hitting the American economy hard. Prescription opioid abuse alone is resulting in a $78.5 billion-dollar price tag, due to work productivity losses, health care expenses and crime.

The opioid and heroin epidemic has greatly affected Ohio, as it ranks high on the nationwide list for overdose deaths amidst this drug crisis. In addition to the tragic loss of life and its impact on victims’ loved ones, this issue is also limiting the pool of potential workers and slowing down economic growth. In fact, employers in the Buckeye State report that close to 4 in 10 potential employees cannot pass a pre-hire drug screening.

The Cincinnati metro area is one of Ohio’s regions most affected by the opioid epidemic. Here positive drug tests for heroin were 1.5 times higher than the country’s average in 2016. However, the fraction of employees identified as using heroin was minimal: 0.10% in the Cincinnati region, versus 0.04% nationwide. But, these statistics omit thousands of potential hires that are not seeking employment due to their substance abuse issues.

Drug overdoses are now the fastest-growing culprit for fatalities in the workplace. Various business sectors are approaching the problem in different ways. For example, due to its safety-sensitive nature, the trucking industry is forced to adhere to a zero-tolerance rule. On the other hand, some sectors are lowering drug testing standards to retain workers. Other businesses have instituted on-site support groups and started new initiatives to keep their employees drug-free at the workplace.

See more Alcohol and Drug Trends articles.

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