Home Resources News Press Release: New Product Providing 24/7 Drug-Free Workplace Education

Press Release: New Product Providing 24/7 Drug-Free Workplace Education

Working Partners®, a consulting and training firm for drug-free workplaces, just completed the development of a new product line OnDemand 24/7, providing safety conscious employers with a new and convenient way to accomplish drug-free workplace education. The first in a series of Bureau of Workers’ Compensation qualified courses being released in September is Employee Education: Essentials.

Applying best practices in adult learning theory, this course is designed to answer common questions employees have about drugs of abuse, avoiding and/or dealing with alcohol-related problems, rights and responsibilities regarding prescription drug use, drug testing, and how they can personally benefit from their organization’s drug-free workplace program.

“We made a conscious effort to include elements rarely seen in other OnDemand courses on the market,” said Karen Pierce, Managing Director of Policy and Training. “Not only did we want this course to be visually appealing and interactive, but to be relevant and directly applicable to the learners’ personal and work lives.”

Lasting approximately one hour, this self-guided course stays true to the hallmark of Working Partners® education and training services – maximizing engagement and learning. Employee Education: Essentials uses activities, videos, quizzes, mini scenarios and animation to keep students involved and convey knowledge vital to understanding a drug-free workplace program. A certificate of completion, needed to demonstrate compliance with governing authorities, is provided to anyone who passes the course.

Employee Education: Essentials, along with subsequent OnDemand 24/7 courses to be developed, helps round out the education and training offerings of Working Partners®. “We provide a variety of ways for an organization to accomplish education and training because no one option fits every need,” said Pierce. “Our OnDemand 24/7 product enables us to now offer convenient, anytime access. With the addition of this methodology, Working Partners® widens the range of options we have to support any organizations’ needs.”

Working Partners® can also help a company with drug-free education and training through webinar and classroom courses, training companies to conduct their own courses, or sending trainers out to an organization.

A free webinar is being offered on September 11 from 12 – 12:30 p.m. to provide attendees a demo of the new course and offer suggestions on incorporating this new product into their current drug-free workplace education system. Webinar attendees will also receive a 40% discount off their first purchase of one Employee Education: Essentials course.

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