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Drug-Free Program Development

A detailed drug-free policy that clearly identifies the rules, rights and responsibilities of both the employer and employees is the cornerstone to an effective drug-free workplace (DFWP) program. It sets the tone of the program, references available help, and explains the program including prohibited conduct, types and circumstances of testing, and the consequences for violations.

For a drug-free workplace policy to be effective, all the parameters and procedures must be thoughtfully developed and then articulated in a user-friendly policy for employees, along with detailed operational guidelines and accompanying forms for use by management.  This is a set of documents, written in concert with legal counsel, that are most effective when tailored to an organization’s specific needs and culture. At Working Partners®, we work with each unique customer to offer a range of customized policies that will fit the organization’s size and budget. Program documents include:

  • Policy – to distribute to all employees
  • Operational Guidelines – for use by management and supervisors to help implement the policy
  • Appendices and forms – to streamline a program’s operational procedures

All Working Partners® documents are prepared with the assistance of legal counsel, who has over 30 years of experience with drug-free workplace policies and testing requirements, and has been recognized for his work in this area by the American Bar Association.

Already have a drug-free workplace policy and program? Major changes within your organization, along with legislative changes made by states and other governing bodies, can impact how you run your program. It is important that your policies and program be adjusted accordingly. Working Partners® can help you complete policy audits, program modifications and updates, and new program elements.

Contact Working Partners® today to talk about how we can meet your unique needs.