Quantifying Recovery

There is hope for individuals facing addiction according to a survey conducted by Faces & Voices of Recovery. Aiming to quantify aspects of recovery over time, the advocacy group’s data reveals that people in recovery see their lives becoming better in many areas, e.g., job situation, family relationships and community involvement, as they remain in recovery.


Additionally, emergency room visits and incidents involving the criminal justice system for those in recovery were reduced by a factor of 10, both of which lessened the amount of taxpayer dollars spent. Researchers discovered that individuals in recovery showed a 50% upturn in family activities and payment of taxes. They were also more apt to vote, remain employed, secure health insurance, obtain additional education and venture into starting their own businesses.


This is the first nationwide study of its kind. Through it, Faces & Voices of Recovery hopes to show both the public and legislators that addiction carries a large price tag. Beyond that, however, the group’s findings demonstrate that recovery is possible. The data also demonstrates that making recovery benefits available improves the lives of individuals and their families and strengthens the nation both socially and economically.


Over 23 million Americans are currently in recovery.

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