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Enrolling in the Drug-Free Safety Program


We’re a private company looking to bid on state jobs. We need to enroll in the Ohio BWC Drug-Free Safety Program but missed the May application deadline. What should we do?


The Ohio BWC’s Drug-Free Safety Program (DFSP) has three level: Comparable, Basic and Advanced. You can enroll at any time for the Comparable level, which was designed for businesses looking to meet requirements to work on state-administered construction projects. While you won’t get a rebate at this level, you could apply for the Basic or Advanced level next year to receive the rebate. If you’re in good standing with BWC and not enrolled in a competing program, here’s how it would work:

This year –

  1. Review packet of details and sample enrollment form
  2. Apply for Comparable level DFSP through the BWC website’s U-140 form
  3. Meet requirements for 5 elements of a drug-free workplace
    1. Policy – Create and implement a compliant policy if your company doesn’t already have one or make sure your current document meets necessary requirements
    2. Employee education – All employees need at least one hour of education from a certified professional before working on state-administered construction projects
    3. Supervisor training – All supervisors need an additional hour of supervisor training before working on state-administered construction projects
    4. Testing – Confirm you’re testing for the necessary substances at the proper cut-off levels with best-practice methodology. Though not highlighted in the packet above, the DFSP requires businesses to meet the Department of Transportation’s drug testing guidelines.
    5. Assistance – Set up and provide assistance resources for employees who need or want help. This can be done through an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or community resource(s). The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services has a system to identify provider agencies in your area with these services.
  4. Save all documents for submission with next year’s annual report (Due in March)

If you’re interested in saving some money on your premiums while maintaining a drug-free workplace program, consider applying for either the Basic or Advanced level next year.  There are a few more requirements, but they are manageable.  Be sure to enroll during the appropriate month, though – in May for private companies and November for public entities.

If you’re interested in “leveling up,” here are your steps:

Next year –

  1. Before March – Review details of Basic and Advance levels to determine the best option for your company
  2. March – Complete the annual report on the BWC’s website (sample form)
    1. Change your program level by selecting the one you want to participate in for the following year (Basic of Advanced)
  3. Meet additional requirements for the new, rebate level of the DFSP based on details above
    1. Note: If changing levels, some of the requirements change
  4. Save all documents for submission with next year’s annual report

Once your program is up and running, it can move pretty smoothly. Let us help with the setup! Working Partners® has the expertise to help you identify which level is best for your company and provides services to meet the requirements if needed. Call us to discuss your options – 614-337-8200.