Campus CENTS

CampusCENTS: Promoting Awareness of Problem Gambling and Financial Wellness

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CampusCENTS is an online, self-directed course developed by Working Partners® for the Prevention Action Alliance (formerly Drug-Free Action Alliance), funded by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) with development overseen by Ohio’s collaborative, Ohio for Responsible Gambling made up of the Ohio Lottery, the Casino Control Commission and the Ohio Racing Commission.  The objective of the project is to promote responsible gambling by offering financial information, resources, support and guidance to 18 – 25-year-olds.

The 120-minute course, designed for use on college campuses, provides opportunities for interactive content and quizzes, decision-making activities, and real-life scenarios. It is divided into five modules about personal financial wellness and is designed to help students:

  • Become intrigued with concepts around money and financial affairs that can lead to behavior change
  • Gain practical experience with personal financial concepts and tools that can be applied in real-time experiences
  • Increase awareness of the personal responsibility aspect of personal finance
  • Develop confidence in dealing with personal finances
  • Determine how (and if) gambling fits into a personal budget
  • Learn low-risk guidelines for gambling

Through the development process, Working Partners® identified and assembled national subject matter experts in personal financial wellness and secondary education fiscal issues.   From the vast array of approaches and resources, Working Partners® synthesized the information into a structure and format for a modularized e-learning course.  We then assisted in the assessment of resources, capacity limitations and coordination for delivery of the course to several pilot campuses from which course adjustments were made for the final product.