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Drug-Free Workplace

It is widely recognized that the harmful use of substances, which affects millions of Americans every day, is widespread in our community and our society.  And unfortunately, this means it is also in our workplaces.

The dangerous behaviors resulting from an individual’s misuse of alcohol or other drugs are not left at the door when those individuals enter the workplace. And can jeopardize not only their own safety and health but that of their co-workers and the public. Substance misuse also poses a threat to a business’s bottom line.

A drug-free workplace program can help employers:

  • Reduce accidents, workers’ compensation and healthcare costs
  • Increase productivity and employee morale
  • Protect public image
  • Buffer organizational liability
  • Satisfy contract or other authorities’ obligations
  • Attract, protect and retain a quality workforce
  • Save money

Every company is different in its drug-free workplace needs. By incorporating the five elements of an effective, comprehensive drug-free workplace program, Working Partners® can:

Elements of a Drug-Free Program

  • Operationally-sound documents which outline the drug-free workplace program, as well as the rights and responsibility of both the employer and the employees.

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  • Opportunities for employees to learn the program’s rules and what happens if they violate a rule, when they’ll be tested, their rights and responsibilities, and the resources available to them if they or one of their family members needs help.

    Visit Education & Training

  • Training to support supervisors in key skills such as how to recognize, document, and confront a possible problem; how to respond to a tip; and how to refer employees to testing and help when needed.

    Visit Education & Training

  • Objective methods to determine if an employee is “under the influence” of alcohol or other drugs. Policies need to outline:

    • When testing will occur
    • What drugs are tested for
    • What testing methods will be used

    Visit Drug Testing

  • Identified resources for employees who voluntarily ask for help for themselves or a family member, and which can also be used to send an employee for an assessment following policy violations, such as a positive test.

    Visit Employee Assistance Program