Home Resources Articles (Archives) Study Indicates that the Workplace Can Influence Drinking Habits

Study Indicates that the Workplace Can Influence Drinking Habits

From our archives: Previous articles that have some relevance today

Original date: 08/2007

A new study by the University of Texas suggests that companies that actively discourage drinking are less likely to have problematic drinkers as employees.  The study assessed survey results of 5000 employees of Fortune 500 companies.  Employees of businesses that most widely discouraged drinking were:

  • 45 percent less likely to drink heavily
  • 54 percent less likely to drink frequently
  • 69 percent less likely to drink on the job

This research is evidence that the social culture of a company can affect behaviors both in and out of the workplace. For more information on how you can develop a drug-free workplace program for your employees contact Working Partners.

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