Take the Medicine Chest Challenge
The Second Annual American Medicine Chest Challenge (AMCC) was launched on September 1, during a meeting with community partners and affiliates around the country. Organizers are urging adults to accept the 5-step challenge which includes:
1) taking inventory of your medicine,
2) securing your medicine chest,
3) taking medicine only as prescribed by your doctor,
4) disposing of unused, unwanted and expired medicine, and most importantly, 5) talking to children about the dangers of prescription drugs.
As a part of this campaign, November 12, 2011 has been identified as a nationwide day of disposal of unused, unwanted and expired medicine. As explained by AMCC CEO Angelo M. Valente “… we are calling on residents to see their medicine cabinets through new eyes – as an access point for potential misuse and abuse of over-the-counter and prescription medicine by young people.”
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