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Testing Recipients of Government Benefits

Over two dozen states are currently considering drug testing individuals receiving benefits from the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. Last year, 36 states introduced proposals to test recipients of welfare, food stamp and other government benefits such as workforce development training subsidies. Utah, Florida, Arizona, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Georgia and Missouri have all passed related laws.
These measures are popular because of a perception that people on public assistance are using state funds to buy drugs. However, opponents point out that similar measures have been found unconstitutional by several courts, including Michigan in 2003. Additionally, they stress that an analysis of Florida’s four month program revealed the program did not create savings in its welfare program and that welfare recipients were actually less likely to use drugs than the general population.
Proponents say the construct of most of these proposed bills was done with an agenda of prevention and early intervention. They further challenge that if strategically applied, such a program would demonstrate savings.
While this testing may help prevent some workplace drug abuse, it will continue to be a problem for many companies. Learn more about an effective drug-free workplace program.

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